You can get the detailed manual steps to configure ACS from below link. This will give you an overall idea
OR if you have problem opening above link. you can search in Google with below title:-
Configure a one-way hybrid environment with SharePoint Server 2013 and Office 365
Below PowerShell Script automates the ACS configuration as explained in the above link:-
In the above PowerShell script, modify the below script variables as per your environment:-
$CertificatePathCer = "C:\Certificates\"
$FarmFQDN = "*"
$SharePointTenantUri = ""
$SharePointAzureTenantName =""
$SPAppPrincipalId ="00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-
Note: After ACS configuration, if your SharePoint 2013 farm has a WAC server it may be disconnected. So office documents may not be saved to the farm. If you see this behavior, disconnect the WAC server from 2013 farm and re-join the server.